The Story of Midwest Tinting in Kansas City, Missouri

The Story of Midwest Tinting in Kansas City, Missouri

In 1974, the owner of Midwest Tinting, Brian Arnett, found himself working as an EMT when a chance encounter with a patient from Saint Louis changed the trajectory of his life. This encounter introduced him to the emerging automotive tinting industry, which was just starting to gain momentum. Despite the absence of specialized tools and instructional resources like YouTube, Brian saw the potential in the tinting business and decided to embark on this new journey.

As the automotive tinting industry progressed, Brian dedicated himself to constantly seeking out the best products and tools available. His hard work and determination paid off, and soon enough, Midwest Tinting began to flourish. The demand for their services increased rapidly, necessitating more manpower and a larger workspace to accommodate the growing business.

Over the course of 48 years, Midwest Tinting transformed from a one-man operation in a modest one-car garage to a prominent establishment with three locations and a skilled team of over 30 employees. Today, Midwest Tinting stands as the preferred choice for over 100 dealerships, body shops, and collision centers in the area. Their expertise now extends beyond automotive tinting to encompass commercial and residential tinting, along with other aftermarket customizations. This remarkable growth and success are a testament to the unwavering dedication and passion that has driven Midwest Tinting from its humble beginnings.

At the core of their achievements lies strong leadership and a dedicated team. While Brian, the owner, now resides in Florida, he has carefully chosen Ron Talley and Caleb Silkett as competent team leaders to ensure the seamless operation of the business. The team at Midwest Tinting functions like a well-coordinated unit, supporting and caring for one another both professionally and personally. Their teamwork has led to minimal downtime and a consistent flow of work throughout the year, eliminating the concept of "slow winters."

Watch Eric work his magic as he meticulously installs XPEL PPF (Paint Protection Film) to protect this stunning paint from the hazards of the open road

In their journey to success, Midwest Tinting has learned the importance of understanding their market and building trust with their customers. Their commitment to providing the best tools and resources for their employees has led to the development of successful installers. The entire team works together cohesively, surpassing customer expectations at every turn.

A pivotal factor that has significantly impacted Midwest Tinting's business is their partnership with the reputable XPEL brand. The XPEL seal of approval, earned by being recognized as XPEL's dealer of the year for four consecutive years, has enhanced their credibility in the industry. The XPEL brand represents the confidence they have in their services, backed by the support and belief of the leading name in protective films. This partnership reinforces their commitment to excellence and motivates them to continually strive for perfection in their craft.

For those in need of automotive, commercial, or residential tinting services in Kansas City, Midwest Tinting emerges as the trusted name to rely on. With nearly five decades of rich history, their passion, dedication, and partnership with XPEL make them the top choice for all tinting needs. Customers can experience the difference of working with a team that genuinely cares about its customers and consistently delivers exceptional results.

Dustin Lasiter, the PPF master in action!

At Midwest Tinting, they work hard, work together, and most importantly, have fun while they work! Embark on this journey with Midwest Tinting and experience the unmatched difference that sets them apart. Protect and enhance your valuable assets with the finest tinting solutions available by placing your trust in Midwest Tinting today!

Protect Everything You Love With •••XPEL ! 

Check Out Midwest Tinting Website Below:

To locate the nearest XPEL dealer/ Installer Click The Link Below:


  • Kiran Lal

    I am from India film worke and vinyle sticker work

  • Mary M.

    Great content as always Marco!

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